more asbestos, more asbestos!
so i have acquired the intelligence necessary to post videos, and boy howdy....something, something. here is a video of seth and doodle "dancing." unlike the taco bell commercial, seth's "moves" are bad to stay.
talk about being sad, stop, unlucky.
furthermore to this post, i would like to thank the tobs for his information sharingness. here is the conversation he and i had via internet-machine. very funny.
me: hey, homer sexual
how do you get youtube stuff from youtube onto blogger?
ive been trying, but no good
Toby: ah
on the youtube page, there's a line that says "embed."
so you copy the stuff that's on that line
me: this better work because i have a video of seth dancing
Toby: ok
me: and the one from you guys in romania, nodding to that song
Toby: do you see the thing that says "embed"?
me: not yet, im waiting for the webpage.
doodle and chris ate bull penis last night for dinner
Toby: i see
me: where is this embed thing? top or bottom?
Toby: let me see. ok, it's to the right of the video
me: i see
Toby: there's a line that says "url" and then below that a line that says "embed."
me: stay tuned to my blog in the next 15 minutes!
Toby: ok, but there's more to it. you copy the text from the embed thing, which is "code" i guess. then when you go to your blogger after you choose to start a new post, you'll see that the new post window has a tab for "compose" or "edit html"
me: hmmm
Toby: you'll see it. it normally just goes straight to "compose," because that's the normal thing it's to the right of where you write the title of the post
me: ok ill try
Toby: do you see it?
me: indeed i do
Toby: so you click on the html thing
me: yes...
Toby: and then you paste the code from the youtube thing.
me: good golly this is complicated. or not. either way
Toby: yes
me: i have so many nice things to share. three, really
Toby: now, if you go back into "compose," you won't be able to see the video yet, which is frustrating. but it'll be there when you publish
me: ok
its gonna be -7 tomorrow with "snow squalls"
Toby: woof
me: indeed
Toby: ok, have to go to work
me: ok
youll be happy in about 10 min, or less
me: ahhh. it didnt work
there is just the url of the youtube thing
Toby: that suggests that you didn't put it in the "edit html"
oh, no, i see what you did
just went to your site. you copied the url, not the embed thing
me: i...see
here goes!
Toby: so there's the url, which is what you have, which is the link t o the youtube site, and the embed thing is below that. it should start with some nonnsense like "object width" and have a bunch of symbols and shit
Toby: i'll look at the internet site when i get to work
me: it is done
it worked!
just like you said it would
incidentally, thanks for not making fun of my genetalia.
i thought i did
i can't get it to work. is it working? are we hot chipping?
i hot chipped, but seemingly others cannot. ts for you, because it's great!
The video is kind of slow, but that movie of Seth and Deirdre dancing. Um, wow. Wow. Words, there are none.
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