nice mouth feel

dissociative, non-reality based grandeur

Monday, November 27, 2006

pass me another hunk of co-pilot

ok, so thanksgiving was amazing and i will tell everyone all about it after my chemistry test on wednesday. actually, it may be a bit longer until i post because i'm currently trying to figure out who keeps peeing in my toilet.

so... for now have a nice, long looking-chew at pictures of indy, me and my turkey...see if you can guess which one slept with me thanksgiving night? i bet you can't!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

sometimes the complaints will be false

so last weekend i took time away from licking my academic wounds to visit sheena in new hampshire...

after a big night in the er department in the hospital where i essentially chase my tail for 8 hours on friday nights, claire and i woke up at the butt-crack of the morning on saturday and with a crack of thunder that was claire's gas, galloped toward sheena.

but how could i leave without first having some jimmy dean "breakfast sandwiches" i fished from the harlem river? these are so terrible and i really think that if i were on a desert island and these treats were the only other species living with me, i would NOT marry them. yeah...that's how bad these things are! they smell like butter when you cook them and complain after sex like my second ex-wife. who needs the hassle?

ok, no more remonstrating. claire, sheena, haley and i were able to join a local militia and secure new hampshire breakfast rations (claire had to kill someone, and i had to make a "drop off" to some columbians, but i think it was worth it because there was pumpkin bread!

i was so full after my "united nations" breakfast (actual name of the breakfast) that i had to warn haley that i might soil myself if she stopped short while driving home. seriously.

anyhow, when claire and i arrived in new hampshire sheena was seemingly perturbed...hmmm. why sheena, why?

oh, i know. she must have sensed that claire and i had stopped (more than once) for fast food. this may seem very ordinary, and maybe even stupid to most. but to claire, who has recently shaken the shackles of vegetarianism, fast food is the equivalent to egyptian prostitutes! (low in carbs.)

mustn't harm the precious

this is the remains of one of the(many) snack wraps claire and i shared while getting lost and driving completely in the wrong direction. i think this particular piece claire sneezed out in a fit of fear somewhere about boston.

and oh yeah, it's almost thanksgiving...neat.

this is where i bedfellow was quite the snuggler.

...and here is my ride. also a snuggler.

because blogger is essentially humping me sideways and will not allow me to rearrange pictures in the order they occurred, i will just say that after a good night's sleep we headed out to do things i already talked about. guh.

claire is on guard for my imminent soiling.

right. so, we had a very nice meal with the sheena clan and ended the evening with beers and cards. claire won, which means she got to detach the stone of shame and attach the stone of victory. or something like that...toby?

haley et al have this "dog" who i do not care for, insofar that it is not a dog...i mean really, what is it?

oh right, the was really snackulicious and was a nice change of pace from my jimmy dean regimen.

and if people are concerned, gus the destructor has regained his form and is now wreaking havoc in new hampshire. i understand he has already broken many held-dear belongings!

so...after sheena made some cookies for the road we said our goodbyes and drove off into the middle of nowhere. claire, god love her, handled herself very well as co-pilot and even tried asking for directions. however, these new hampshire folkal refused to give her directions unless she purchased a slice of pizza (seriously!) we had to figure it out for ourselves. bitches.

so now i'm home and back to failing my classes. sweet. on an up note, i think i may do some volunteer aids work in africa this summer. thoughts?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

maybe i put it out on your face!

ahh yes, back into the blog world i go. so...there is no way to recapture the past few months in one post, so i'll just ease people back into my life with a few helpful visual aides. (note: pterodactyl porn omitted.)

above you can see the program from this past weekend's adventure to new hampshire, where claire, sheena and i saw a high school "production" of the wizard of oz. it was craptackular and i would have rather spent the day using a jagged stick to perform bowel surgery on myself in the woods. but hey, that's me.

claire and seth took heed of their therapist's advice and decided to have a night on the town (eating fast food, then doing it twice). i haven't seen seth this excited since last year's star trek convention.

indiana made a move for meagan and shared a chew.

seth also wanted to share a chew, and was thusly upset. he was also upset because of his terrible gas problem (not pictured).

christoph, planning his next truman show for josh and seth's baby.

ahh yes, and this is my desk, where i play with dolls, mostly.

and here are a few more pictures i will make fun of later.

and also, i learned to play the mexican bassoon.

soon to come, pictures from my trip to massachusetts, a few bruises, my new bathroom theme, toby, sheena, pumpkin risotto, an eating contest, new hampshire fast food exploits, indiana, and many pictures of uhaul trucks.